Green Deal leveraging Green Hydrogen businesses as decentralized sustainable development vector

Event details
10/26/2022, 5:00 PM
Time zone: (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Zoom (the link will only be sent to those who register for the event
Paulo Bernardo
CEO Mezzegra Green Energy – Portugal
Anabela Cordeiro
R&D Mezzegra Green Energy
António Mortal
Coordinating Professor at Higher Institute of Engineering / University of Algarve. Administrator of AREAL-Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Algarve.
Ricardo Izquierdo
Chief Operating Officer of pHYnix Iberia
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A net zero planet by 2050 is one of the goals set by the EU countries through the EU Green Deal.
In this sense, the decarbonization by the adoption of green hydrogen solutions, turns out to be one of the key points. However, most of the effort seems to be driven in huge plants for the concentrated urban densities areas, even though the EU Green deal presents a vision of no one left behind and several mechanisms that together might include otherwise, such as energy communities, specific fundings, Innovation incentives and even the EU new Bauhaus.
On other side, the increasing investment in distributed small renewable energy sources (wind and solar), have an increasingly lower cost, that is added by technological and industrial evolution of electrolysers has generated a large drop in the cost of producing green hydrogen.
The objective of this lecture is to frame the role of Decentralized SME Green Hydrogen Businesses in decarbonization and in the energy transition, speaking simultaneously about the challenges and also about the fundamental aspects for the successful implementation of technologies associated with decentralized Green Hydrogen in non-central EU cities.