Mezzegra obtained a license to organize the Alcoutim Climathon, which will take place from the 28th to the 30th of October at the Global Climathon Weekend.
The prizes for the winner are: participation in the Climathon Awards, Pitch in Mezzegra Green Campus and Pitch Aqualia
The Climathon results from an initiative of the EU Innovation Agency (EIT), in the Innovation for Climate Change program (https://www.climate-kic.org/), under which we organize innovation competitions (face-to-face or virtual) to address local issues related to global climate change, such as energy, mobility, waste, forest cover and sustainable use of water resources. The climate ones take place per locality/city, under license from the agency program, with the organization and coordination of the licensed team.
On the other hand, the program ends up promoting the locality and the winning participants of the competition in the European innovation ecosystem, with media exposure and access to funds and investors. The Climathon results in the largest Hackathon in the world, which has grown organically due to the entrepreneurial and interlocution capacity of the graduates in each locality. Still, based on the city and very dependent on the capacity of organization and achievement of the graduates, it represents a group of cities that end up standing out as regional vectors and in the establishment of innovation poles.